Wednesday 20 January 2016

Day 87: Teachers and students helping teachers and students

Today, 19 educators from around the board gathered at the Ed Centre to share their learning, resources and ideas around "Student Tech Support Teams".  The idea is something that is going on informally in many schools in the system.  A small network of support has grown over the past couple of years. The idea originated during a session that some SCDSB staff attended at the Bring IT Together Conference in 2014. Staff advisors in several schools are creating clubs or "tech teams" of students who troubleshoot technology issues and teach their peers and teachers about how to use various tools, apps and resources.

There are many different paths on this journey.  Just as it is in our classrooms, the learning goals and tasks can be different for each group.  Why not consider a variation of this idea in your school?  Start small in your classroom and empower students to take the lead with the technology while you connect the curriculum content and essential teaching practices (pedagogy) to make the learning rich!

If you are interested in finding out more information, feel free to contact
 Marie Swift or Marci Duncan .

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