Thursday 1 October 2015

Day 19: Coding and Holograms at Tosorontio

'Mr.Mac's' Grade 5/6 class was ready and raring to go this morning. I've never seen a more enthusiastic class first thing in the morning! Spheros and Ollies were awaiting some coding.
As a die hard Hour of Code class, they only needed a brief introduction to the 'Tickle' app and they were off. 
The Challenge: Code your robot to drive the taped line on the floor.
A variety of lines from a simple straight line (not so simple!) to squares, triangles and irregular polygons were pre taped to the classroom floor so that students had choice through parallel tasks. After successfully completing one line design, students were encouraged to tape their own design. 
The perseverance that they exhibited was note worthy, in that students did not just hop around from task to task when they were 'close enough', but stayed with a task and completed countless iterations to keep making it more and more precise. Amazing!!! The inherent problem solving and collaboration strategies involved in coding the bots to execute a specific task, was a joy to observe. Below, a group of girls debates angles and rotation direction, speed and time, in order to code the turn of a corner.
As Mr. MacAlpine and I were chatting about consolidation strategies, we self reflected on the task itself and discussed how even more powerful this activity could be if the students used the iPads (which they were using anyway) to take screen shots, videos and pictures all along the way to document their learning journey. They could then use an app like Adobe Voice to 'journal' about their task and post to a class or personal blog! I love the ideas that evolve out of self-reflective discussions amongst educators as to "how else could we do this?". Such powerful new learning almost always ensues! 

Deb Shackell came by to help our class code today and started brainstorming ideas on how to use Sphero in phys-Ed...Amazing & coming to a gym near you soon!
The next picture beautifully illustrates how learning never stops...EVERY student put up their hand when asked by Mr.Mac if they were going to ask for a Sphero for Christmas ;)
Next stop... grade 7/8!
Do holograms exist? Are they only "movie magic"? This class isn't quite sure, but they're willing to give it a try! Find the full slide deck for this activity @

First steps, create a net for a frustum with given dimensions for the trapezoid faces. (Thanks to Jay Speijer for teaching me that math lingo!) Tough! 

Mrs. Hodgin's class showed perseverance and learned that the sharing of good ideas is always better. Some people had a hard time with people 'stealing their ideas', but were soon turned around when I reminded them that, 'if your idea is good enough that someone else wants to use it...then that's a compliment. It means that they think it's awesome!'
It was also great to see the support of the school admin, as the VP and principal both came to share in the learning with us.

Next steps after lunch and recess... Turning the nets into acetate 3D figures...and making holograms!
Stay tuned!!!
After a whirlwind of trial and error we tested our devices to many ooo's and aaaahhh's. A dark space was required so we all piled into the boys changeroom and turned out the lights. Don't tell the principal ;)

3:20 came far too soon! We consolidated our learning and ended the day with more questions. Would other shapes work? Other sizes? Can we get it to stand up by itself? Is there something special about the video or can we make our own?
Needless to say, The kids are excited to try and make their own hologram videos using the 'explain everything' app tomorrow. Maybe we'll throw in some green screening or glow in the dark objects. I can't wait to see how they turn out!
Thank you to Tosorontio School today, who were all so welcoming in letting me come and play with them today!

Jamila Monahan

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