Friday 9 October 2015

Day 25: Ardagh Arduinos

On Wednesday afternoon we had the pleasure of working with some intermediate students at Ardagh Bluffs who are learning to build and code Arduino projects as part of their systems unit.

Arduino is a programmable microcontroller with inputs and outputs that can be used to build and code circuitry projects. Inputs (such as switches, light sensors, and motion sensors) and outputs (including flashing lights, buzzers, and LCD screens) can be combined in countless ways to create circuits of varying complexity. The web is full of countless ideas and inspiration for budding tinkerers of all ages. You can browse some project ideas on these sites:

The grade 8's at Ardagh have been very engaged as they learn to code simple games using Hopscotch. We supported a small group of students as they practiced building and troubleshooting projects. Within the next few days, they will be working closely with their peers, acting as in-class Arduino experts. Students whose interest is sparked will be able to continue exploring circuitry projects as part of genius hour when the systems unit is over.  We look forward to meeting up with them in the next week or so to see how their learning has progressed.

Several times today I heard students say, “I’m so proud of this” (or some variation of this phrase). It was a struggle to get the students to part with their projects at the end of the day, particularly those who were in the midst of troubleshooting problems.

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